Sunday, November 15, 2009

Still Pregnant....

Do you know what it means if you see this post? It means that I am still pregnant and still waiting for the little one to come into this world.

I'm overdue but I do not want to be induced. I heard that induced pregnancy is more painful than natural labour and when they break your waterbag, you have to deliver within 24hours or you will have to go for c-section due to increased risk of infection. Induction means that there is a higher chance of having a c-section, something which I do not want.

So now, I am keeping my fingers crossed that baby decides to come out tonight. feels like a long long wait. The Braxton Hicks are getting more and more frequent and they sometime even hurt a little. I keep telling myself to be patient and Larissa - thats her name! - will show her face to the world when she is ready.

It feels like forever.....

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