Friday, January 24, 2014

Please Don't Say You Love Me

Met a friend for ramen last night and we went for wine after the dinner for a long overdue catch up session. Sadly, he is also going through a divorce.

I always thought that his ex wife was the luckiest woman in the world. This man is PERFECT GREAT! (Some comment that no one is perfect, okay lah, he's a great guy k?) He cooks the most amazing looking (I've yet to try his cooking) food, he loves to travel (major plus), plays hell lots of tennis so he is super sporty (major plus plus), loves to travel (major plus plus plus) and he loved her to bits! Imagine my initial shock when I found out she cheated.

Makes me wonder what is wrong with her. She has everything perfect but she says she doesn't know what she wants. Our lives are ever changing and to be married as a couple means accepting the partner and loving them as they change. Many people choose the easy way out and just turn away from what they don't see as something they like. 

Being typical people living in Singapore (she's not local) who don't travel much, I understand that he probably rocked her world with all the travelling and trust me, a well travelled man can be very charming to a lady. The thing is, this woman was looking for an escape and my friend turned out to be the perfect excuse to escape. She thought she loved him but she didn't. I can only guess that it was because he was different from the usual local guys and she thought he is what she wanted.

Women, learn to make up your mind before you say you love someone. Don't say the three words unless you mean it from the bottom of your heart. Don't go around breaking hearts. Don't mistaken love for what the men can give you. Travel the world on your own, take a look around and you'll gain wisdom. Love is never a one way thing so don't take the men for granted. Ask yourself what you can give to the man and what you want. Be sure before you take the next step.

Did I mention that I'm now a commitment phobe? I no longer say the three words and I flee at the mere mention of anything long term. Hahah!

By the way, I got my post title from this song that I love and just thought I'd share. It describes what I think about "love" right now. Don't rush to say you love someone okay? Love comes in many form. The only person who can love me now is my darling Larissa. She is the one who tells me she loves me in the morning, at night before she goes to bed and she's the only one I can say the three words to. :)


Anonymous said...

:| Perfect? No one's perfect..

Ivy said...

Okay, not perfect. I was exaggerating but you get the gist. He is a great guy. :)