Thursday, September 9, 2010

How to increase traffic to my blog?

Now that I am joining Nuffnang, I need to increase traffic to my post to generate the moolah.

So how am I gonna do it? I came up with a few ideas...

1. Start showing cleavage.

But I don't have much of a cleavage to even begin with. Due to nursing my darling Larissa, all I can show is scary cleavage with stretch marks stretched all over my boobs. Will that increase traffic to my blog? Nah...I think that will turn everyone off. LOL

2. Upload chio photos of myself after Photoshop.

Seriously? You want me to lie to you? Ok, I'm fat and ugly but I accept the fact and no way am I gonna deceive anyone into thinking that I'm a chio bu. I'm a Full Time Working Mom by the way and to photoshop myself into a skinny chio bu will take up a lot of time and that, I don't have.

3. Start taking beautiful photos of my baby.

Well, men are attracted to pictures of naked beautiful women while women are attracted to those of cute babies. This I guess is the easiest of the lot. 

4. Start getting really bitchy and bitch about just everything I can.

Then I'll be a very very miserable person won't I? Looking for fault every where.

Conclusion? I think I'd stick to posting cute photos of Larissa. Makes me happy to see her photos too.

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