Monday, September 5, 2011

A Letter to My Girl

My darling girl,

You are still learning how to speak and cannot tell mommy your feelings. I can only try my best to understand you and make guesses at what you are trying to say.

Mommy is sorry that I have to leave daddy and bring you along with me. You are still too young to understand but mommy will explain it to you when you grow up one day. Daddy still loves you as much as ever. He just won't have the time to visit you as much cause he will be starting his new family soon.

No matter what happens, mommy will always be here for you. You will be mommy's pride and all I want is the best for you. No matter how tough life gets going, or what obstacles are thrown at me, I will try my best to bring you up as well as I can.

I hope that you can grow up to be humble, selfless and fearless like mommy's idol Mr. Chiam. Do not fear my dear for I am here. We may fall in life but what's important is that we learn how to get up from where we fall. Remember that the scars we gain from life is what makes life memorable.

When you grow older, you will fall in love and may even get your heart broken. Mommy will always be here to be your shoulder to cry on and to wipe away your tears.

Mommy might be very fierce some times but that's only because I want you to learn the right values in life and not have to go through what I have.

You will go through a rebellious stage one day and refuse to love me back but I will always be there. I will be your friend and listening ear when you need one.

Life can get tough sometimes but with you by my side, mommy will never give up. Life is a long journey. Mommy is still learning and we will hold onto each other as we go along.

Always remember that mommy loves you.



Anonymous said...

Hi ivy, thats so well written! almost cried when i read what u wrote.

Anonymous said...

U will be a good mum, ivy!!! I salute u!!!

Anonymous said...

hi ivy,

hope all is fine for you.

pls hold yourself together and there will be light at the end of the tunnel. never give up ok.

i reckon life will not be smooth-sailing all the time. however, hang on there, tough lady.

take good care. think positive. never give up.
