Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Now I know Why...

I told my husband to give me the last $1k of Larissa's baby bonus before I let him recontract a line and he got very upset and scolded me for not trusting him. Now I know the reason why. He has finished the last $1k of Larissa's baby bonus.

I managed to find the website where we can check out when our baby's baby bonus is deposited into our account and how much did we deposit into her CDA account. You can check it out here if you are interested.

I realised that Larissa's baby bonus was deposited into his account in May this year. Guess what was his excuse? That he had lent a couple of hundreds of dollars to his friend and transferred the money using that particular account which Larissa's baby bonus is deposited into and that his friend might have not returned his money into his account as he thought so. So? Its not his fault. It's his friend's fault for not returning the money.

My question is, what kind of friend is that one will steadily lend $1k to? And knowing that he don't have much himself, how could he have easily lent his friend the money? And worse of all, how can one not know when one is transferring money that one does not have? Don't you find that it is all lies?

I intended to deposit all the $1k into Larissa's CDA account which the government will match the amount of deposit and save it for her childcare use. Imagine my horror to find out that the money is gone.

Put yourself in my shoes, do you think that I should continue with a man like that? Yes, I may pity him, I might even recontract his mobile line for him but to be with him? Its definitely a great big no! On a lighter note, I have a little something for all readers of my blog. Look out for my next post!
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