Friday, January 14, 2011

Busy, Busy, Busy!

As Chinese New Year approaches, my workload increases too.

Starting 1st January, I took over the tingkat department's job and had to be in charge of all kind of rubbish. It really is very very irritating.

When I took over, everything is in a mess. My colleague did not clear everything and I was handed a lot of crap. Adding to that is that now is the time where we cheong for our sales to get our commission and yet I am dragged down by this crap that is not supposed to be mine.

And worse of all, my boss is making us chase previous overdue payments! I have so bloody many things to do I can't even bloody keep track of my orders. Sighs.

My work suck. Full Stop.

I am thinking of throwing my letter after CNY. Anyone got admin or sales job to intro?


Someone who care said...

It is very good for you to experience those challenge on work..It may be very stress, tiring or headache but at the end of the day when you get to solve or managed well at your work, you will gain a satisfied honor for your own-self.

Keep it up Ivy!

Jia You Jia You!! You can do it!

Ivy said...

I'm trying very hard but the work stress is making me suffer hair loss! I wake up on Sunday morning thinking about work on Monday! I have to go back to work every Saturday, work the whole day and yet I still can't complete everything!

I can take working long hours but what I cannot stand is being separated from my baby on weekends! Weekends are the only time I can spend with her and I cherish it so much that when she sleeps, I lay beside her just to watch her sleep!

Someone who care said...

After reading your last posting, i can understand and feel the unfairness. I think you should get a better job. I believe there will be a lot of company welcome a good and hardworking worker like you. Every company is the same, sure got unfair treatment. But i still give my hat off you for your toleration at your current hell working environment.

Wish you good luck and Happy New Year to you.