Saturday, March 31, 2012

Its Been A While....

I feel really guilt for not blogging for a long time. Its feels like I've neglected my readers and done them wrong.

Well, just to update you guys, its been almost 10 months since I  left my husband.

Many readers actually thought that I will eventually go back to him but I did not. It was for good.

While I cannot file for divorce till June this year, I have successfully filed for maintanence. We went for mediation session and came to an agreement on the amount of maintanence he will have to pay. Its not a big amount but I reckon that it will be better than his not paying anything right now, that is if he even pays up at all.

Life as a single mother to a two year old toddler isn't really that easy. Yes, I do find it tough having to juggle work and my life sometimes. Especially so when my work requires long working hours.

Larissa has started full day childcare near my place and I am very thankful for that coz previously when she stayed at home all day, I'd get a lot of flake from my family. Being the friendly little girl she has always been, Larissa did not have much problems adjusting to childcare. In fact, she enjoys going to childcare! She comes home with new songs and its amazing how she picks new things up so fast!

Larissa came down with bronchitis just a couple of weeks ago and the visits to the pediatrician has set me back quite a bit considering that we get by just nice every month with little or no excess but it made me realise that I have to start saving up before things got out of hand.

I have also joined a support group for divorced parents. Members of the group organize meetups for all kinds of events and it has helped me take my mind of things. Its also great that the weekends are now filled with activities suitable for Larissa and myself.

Some readers have emailed me for advise or support and I must apologize if the reply is slow or there has been little follow up. I will, still try my best if you need help. :)

Tis will be all for now people. Till the next time I blog again!


Anonymous said...

i stumbled upon your blog by chance and have to confess that i read all the way back to a couple years back. i think that you are a very brave woman who's been through more than you deserve. i admire your resilience and your obvious love for your baby.

i usually never comment on people's blogs especially if i don't know them, but i just wanted to say that i hope you will always keep your optimism and that things look up for you. :)

Anonymous said...

Your story has inspired me to be a stronger woman.

I dedicate this song to you, I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

I feel like this song captures what you're going through. I wish you nothing but the best for you and your dearest daughter.

We readers look forward to reading more!

Ivy said...

Hi Anon,

Thank you for the encouragement! Its readers like you who give me the motivation to keep blogging!

And the song that you dedicated to me, its one of my fav songs!