Wednesday, November 5, 2008


The root of all evil...

There are always people telling me that money doesn't matter, that one can't but happiness with money.

I tell them that they are all bullshiting.

Every one needs MONEY.

Rich people may not be happy although they are rich but they will NEVER be happy without money. Will you be happy if you had to worry when is the next time you get to eat?

You say you want a simple life, on a farm, raising livestock and farming? Where are you gonna get a farm without money? If you think life on a farm is all fun and laughter, I think you seriously need a reality check. Whats gonna happen when there is an epidemic and it wipes out all your livestock? When insects chew up all your harvest?

Look at all the people living "simple lifes". The rural areas of asian countries. The only people that stay are the elderly and the ones who can't find a job in town. Do they enjoy happiness? the expense of their children PROSTITUTING themselves at a young age or maybe being used as child labour and getting paid a pittance. Do these people not worry about money?

Did you know that the death rate for babies are the highest in places like that? Why? Because they have no MONEY!

So stop bullshiting me!

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