Thursday, October 27, 2011

Cleaning Up My Life

I have finally decided to clean up my life a little.

I'm starting with my MSN Messenger, Facebook and finally Skype.

Setting up a new MSN email address and this time I'm adding only friends I keep in contact often. I will try to deactivate my current email account or I will simply not log in at all.

Deleting people off my Facebook account as well and keeping only people I really know and shared a part of my life with. Changing the email account linked to my Facebook and not allowing people to search for me so that it be easy to add me unless I added them.

Deleting all my contacts on Skype and not logging in anymore since I don't really have much use for it.

Deactivating all the emails accounts that I have and don't use often.

I am considering making this blog a private one as well. Its about time to keep my life to myself. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy for you!!!jia you!!

i aso.....deleting my FB....

u can start using wordpress for blogging...cos can set password for your blog post..
no need to lock all the blog post..

which i am doing it:)