Thursday, June 3, 2010

I absolutely HATE those girls who can eat, eat, eat and eat without getting fat!!!

I HATE reading blogs where they post pictures of food, food and more food and yet, they are soooo skinny!

God is so damn biased!!

I have a big frame, standing at 1.72m and at my lightest, I was 66kg, which is within the healthy BMI range but I was not skinny! I was still a UK size 12!

ARGH!!!! Now that I am 82kg, I'm a UK size 18! 

How the bleddy hell am I supposed to lose the weight?! When I was a size 12, I was taking only one tiny meal a day! Now that I'm breastfeeding, HOW THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO SUSTAIN MY SUPPLY BY ONLY A TINY MEAL A DAY???!!!

I hate myself for having a big frame, for putting on so much weight during pregnancy!

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